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Scientific Reports                                                    2023

H.C. Liedtke, K. Lopez-Hervas, I Galván, N Polo-Cavia, I Gomez-Mestre

Amphibia-Reptilia                                                   2023

Marina Garrido-Priego, David Aragonés, H Christoph Liedtke, Andrew Whitworth, Ivan Gomez-Mestre

Plos one                                                                      2023

Lucinda P Lawson, Simon P Loader, John V Lyakurwa, H Christoph Liedtke

Scientific Report.                                                 2023

Polo-Cavia, N., Arribas, R., Caballero-Díaz, C., Baltanás, Á., & Gomez-Mestre, I.

Proceedings of the Royal Society B.              2023

Zhang, Q., Han, X. Z., Burraco, P., Wang, X. F., Teng, L. W., Liu, Z. S., & Du, W. G.

Evolutionary Ecology                                               2024

Garrido-Priego M, M Monge-Velázquez, A Whitworth, I Gomez-Mestre.

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, zlad  2023

H Christoph Liedtke, Patrick K Malonza, Domnick V Wasonga, Hendrik Müller, Simon P Loader

Evolution                                                                        2023

Burraco P, JC Torres-Montoro, I Gomez-Mestre

Biotropica                                                                        2023

L.P. Lawson, S.P. Loader, J.V. Lyakurwa, M. Menegon, H.C. Liedtke

Nature Communications                                       2023

H Christoph Liedtke, John J Wiens, Ivan Gomez-Mestre

Science of The Total Environment,                       2023

Katharina Ruthsatz, Anja Schwarz, Ivan Gomez-Mestre, Ruth Meyer, Marie Domscheit, Fabian Bartels, 

Sarah-Maria Schaeffer, Karolin Engelkes

BMC Biology                                                           2023

Car, C., Gilles, A., Goujon, E., Muller, M. L. D., Camoin, L., Frelon, S., ... & Armant, O.



  • Green A. et al. 2024. Groundwater abstraction has caused extensive ecological damage to the Doñana World Heritage Site, Spain.  (2), 1-13.

  • Garrido-Priego M, M Monge-Velázquez, A Whitworth, I Gomez-Mestre. 2024. Home range and notes about social interactions in the poison frog  (Anura: Dendrobatidae).  Evol Evol.




  • Burraco P, JC Torres-Montoro, I Gomez-Mestre. 2023. Larval plastic responses to warming and desiccation delay gonadal maturation in post-metamorphic spadefoot toads. Evolution 77(12), 2687-2695.


  • Liedtke, H. C., Malonza, P. K., Wasonga, D. V., Müller, H., & Loader, S. P. (2023). A new genus and species of toad from Mount Kenya illuminates East African montane biogeography. , zlad160.


  • Polo-Cavia, N., Arribas, R., Caballero-Díaz, C., Baltanás, Á., & Gomez-Mestre, I. 2023. Widespread learned predator recognition to an alien predator across populations in an amphibian species. Sci Rep., (1), 14599.


  •  Liedtke, H. C., Lopez-Hervas, K., Galván, I., Polo-Cavia, N., & Gomez-Mestre, I. 2023. Background matching through fast and reversible melanin-based pigmentation plasticity in tadpoles comes with morphological and antioxidant changes. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 12064.


  • Ruthsatz, K., Schwarz, A., Gomez-Mestre, I., Meyer, R., Domscheit, M., Bartels, F., ... & Engelkes, K. 2023. Life in plastic, it's not fantastic: Sublethal effects of polyethylene microplastics ingestion throughout amphibian metamorphosis. , Science of The Total Environment, Volume 885, 163779.


  •  Garrido-Priego, M., Aragonés, D., Liedtke, H. C., Whitworth, A., & Gomez-Mestre, I. 2023. Remote sensing and citizen science to characterize the ecological niche of an endemic and endangered Costa Rican poison frog. Amphibia-Reptilia, 44(2), 227-242


  •  Ruthsatz, K., Rico-Millan, R., Eterovick, P. C., & Gomez-Mestre, I. 2023. Exploring water-borne corticosterone collection as a non-invasive tool in amphibian conservation physiology: benefits, limitations and future perspectives. Conservation Physiology, 11(1), coad070.

  • Zhang, Q., Han, X. Z., Burraco, P., Wang, X. F., Teng, L. W., Liu, Z. S., & Du, W. G. (2023). Oxidative stress mediates the impact of heatwaves on survival, growth and immune status in a lizard. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290(2009), 20231768.

  • Zhang, Q., Han, X. Z., Burraco, P., Hao, X., Teng, L. W., Liu, Z. S., ... & Du, W. G. (2023). Telomere length, oxidative stress and their links with growth and survival in a lizard facing climate warming. Science of the Total Environment, 891, 164424.

  • Lawson, L. P., Loader, S. P., Lyakurwa, J. V., Menegon, M., & Liedtke, H. C. (2023). Decadienal afforestation and risks to montane grassland amphibians in the Udzungwa Plateau, Tanzania. Biotropica, 55(5), 978-990.

  • Lawson, L. P., Loader, S. P., Lyakurwa, J. V., & Liedtke, H. C. (2023). Diversification of spiny-throated reed frogs (Anura: Hyperoliidae) with the description of a new, range-restricted species from the Ukaguru Mountains, Tanzania. PLoS One, 18(2), e0277535.

  • Videvall, E., Burraco, P., & Orizaola, G. (2023). Impact of ionizing radiation on the environmental microbiomes of Chornobyl wetlands. Environmental Pollution, 330, 121774.

  • Car, C., Gilles, A., Goujon, E., Muller, M. L. D., Camoin, L., Frelon, S., ... & Armant, O. (2023). Population transcriptogenomics highlights impaired metabolism and small population sizes in tree frogs living in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. BMC biology, 21(1), 164.

  • Zamora-Camacho, F. J., Burraco, P., Zambrano-Fernández, S., & Aragón, P. (2023). Ammonium effects on oxidative stress, telomere length, and locomotion across life stages of an anuran from habitats with contrasting land-use histories. Science of The Total Environment, 862, 160924.


  • Burraco, P., Hernandez-Gonzalez, M., Metcalfe, N. B., & Monaghan, P. (2023). Ageing across the great divide: tissue transformation, organismal growth and temperature shape telomere dynamics through the metamorphic transition. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290(1992), 20222448.


  • Burraco, P., Salla, R. F., & Orizaola, G. (2023). Exposure to ionizing radiation and liver histopathology in the tree frogs of Chornobyl (Ukraine). Chemosphere, 315, 137753.


  • Petrović, T. G., Vučić, T., Burraco, P., Gavrilović, B. R., Despotović, S. G., Gavrić, J. P., ... & Prokić, M. D. (2023). Higher temperature induces oxidative stress in hybrids but not in parental species: A case study of crested newts. Journal of Thermal Biology, 112, 103474.





  • Liedtke H. C., J. J. Wiens, I. Gomez-Mestre. 2022. The evolution of reproductive modes and life cycles in amphibians. Nature Communications, 13(1), 7039.

  • Hernandez-Caballero I., L. Garcia-Longoria, I. Gomez-Mestre, A. Marzal. 2022. The adaptive host manipulation hypothesis: parasites modify the behaviour, morphology and physiology of amphibians. Diversity 14(9), 739.


  • Thomas, K. N., Gower, D. J., Streicher, J. W., Bell, R. C., Fujita, M. K., Schott, R. K., ... & Douglas, R. H. (2022). Ecology drives patterns of spectral transmission in the ocular lenses of frogs and salamanders. Functional Ecology, 36(4), 850-864

  • Castaño-Sanz V., I. Gomez-Mestre and F. García-González. 2022. Evolutionary consequences of pesticide exposure include transgenerational plasticity and potential terminal investment transgenerational effects. Evolution 76: 2649-2668.

  • Liedtke, H. C., Cruz, F., Gómez-Garrido, J., Fuentes Palacios, D., Marcet-Houben, M., Gut, M., ... & Gomez-Mestre, I. (2022). Chromosome-level assembly, annotation and phylome of Pelobates cultripes, the western spadefoot toad. DNA Research, 29(3), dsac013.

  • Burraco, P., Rendón, M. A., Díaz‐Paniagua, C., & Gomez‐Mestre, I. (2022). Maintenance of phenotypic plasticity is linked to oxidative stress in spadefoot toad larvae. Oikos, 2022(5), e09078.


  • Liedtke, H. C., Lyakurwa, J. V., Lawson, L. P., Menegon, M., Garrido-Priego, M., Mariaux, J., ... & Loader, S. P. (2022). Thirty years of amphibian surveys in the Ukagurus Mountains of Tanzania reveal new species, yet others are in decline. African Journal of Herpetology, 71(2), 119-138.


  • Burraco, P., & Orizaola, G. (2022). Ionizing radiation and melanism in Chornobyl tree frogs. , (9), 1469-1479.

  • Burraco, P., Lucas, P. M., & Salmón, P. (2022). Telomeres in a spatial context: a tool for understanding ageing pattern variation in wild populations. , (6), e05565.

  • Salmón, P., & Burraco, P. (2022). Telomeres and anthropogenic disturbances in wildlife: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. , (23), 6018-6039.

  • Car, C., Gilles, A., Armant, O., Burraco, P., Beaugelin‐Seiller, K., Gashchak, S., ... & Bonzom, J. M. (2022). Unusual evolution of tree frog populations in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Evolutionary applications, 15(2), 203-219.




  • Liedtke H.C., D.J. Soler-Navarro, I. Gomez-Mestre, S.P. Loader, M-O. Rödel. Parallel Diversification of the African tree toads genus Nectophryne (Bufonidae). 2021. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 162: 107184.


  •  Pinero-Rodríguez, M. J., Gomez-Mestre, I., & Díaz-Paniagua, C. 2021. Herbivory by spadefoot toad tadpoles and reduced water level affect submerged plants in temporary ponds. Inland Waters, 1-10.


  • Liedtke H.C., E. Harney, and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2021. Cross-species transcriptomics uncovers genes underlying genetic accommodation of developmental plasticity in spadefoot toads. Molecular Ecology. 30: 2220-2234.


  • Alvarez‐Blanco, P., Cerdá, X., Hefetz, A., Boulay, R., Bertó‐Moran, A., Díaz‐Paniagua, C., ... & Angulo, E. (2021). Effects of the Argentine ant venom on terrestrial amphibians. Conservation Biology, 35(1), 216-226.

  • Rossetto, F., Iglesias-Caballero, M., Liedtke, H. C., Gomez-Mestre, I., Berciano, J. M., Pérez-Suárez, G., ... & Juste, J. (2020). Mating strategy is determinant of adenovirus prevalence in European bats. Plos one, 15(1), e0226203.

  • Burraco, P., Bonzom, J. M., Car, C., Beaugelin-Seiller, K., Gashchak, S., & Orizaola, G. (2021). Lack of impact of radiation on blood physiology biomarkers of Chernobyl tree frogs. Frontiers in Zoology, 18, 1-10.

  • Burraco, P., Laurila, A., & Orizaola, G. (2021). Limits to compensatory responses to altered phenology in amphibian larvae. Oikos, 130(2), 231-239.




  • Burraco, P., Orizaola, G., Monaghan, P., & Metcalfe, N. B. (2020). Climate change and ageing in ectotherms. Global Change Biology, 26(10), 5371-5381.

  • HyeunJi L., M.A. Rendón, H.C. Liedtke, and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2020. Shifts in the developmental rate of spadefoot toad larvae cause decreased complexity of post-metamorphic pigmentation patterns. Scientific Reports. 10(1), 1-10.

  • Piñero-Rodríguez M.J., R. Fernandez-Zamudio, R. Arribas, I. Gomez-Mestre and C. Díaz-Paniagua. 2020. The invasive aquatic fern Azolla filiculoides negatively impacts water quality, aquatic vegetation and amphibian larvae in Mediterranean environments. Biological Invasions. 1-15.

  • Cabrera-Guzmán E., C. Díaz-Paniagua and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2020. Differential effect of natural and pigment-supplemented diets on larval development and phenotype of anurans. Journal of Zoology. 312 (4), 248-258.

  • G. Sánchez-Montes, Í. Martínez-Solano, C. Díaz-Paniagua, A. Vilches, A. H. Ariño and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2020. Telomere attrition with age in a wild amphibian population. Biology Letters 16(7): 20200168.

  • Piñero-Rodríguez M.J., C. Díaz-Paniagua, and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2020. Movement patterns, maximum distances traveled and microhabitat selection of spadefoot toad tadpoles in temporary ponds. Amphibia-Reptilia. 41 (4), 469-478.

  • HyeunJi L., J. Broggi, G. Sánchez-Montes, C. Díaz-Paniagua and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2020. Dwarfism in close continental amphibian populations despite lack of genetic isolation. Oikos 129(8): 1243-1256.

  • Florencio, M., Burraco, P., Rendón, M. Á., Díaz-Paniagua, C., & Gomez-Mestre, I. 2020. Opposite and synergistic physiological responses to water acidity and predator cues in spadefoot toad tadpoles. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 11065


  • Burraco, P., Comas, M., Reguera, S., Zamora-Camacho, F. J., & Moreno-Rueda, G. (2020). Telomere length mirrors age structure along a 2200-m altitudinal gradient in a Mediterranean lizard. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 247, 110741.

  • Burraco, P., Valdés, A. E., & Orizaola, G. (2020). Metabolic costs of altered growth trajectories across life transitions in amphibians. Journal of Animal Ecology, 89(3), 855-866.





  • Liedtke H.C., J. Gómez-Garrido, A. Esteve-Codina, M. Gut, T. Alioto and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2019. De novo assembly and annotation of the larval transcriptome of two spadefoot toads widely divergent in developmental rate. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, g3-400389.

  • Cabrera-Guzmán, E., Díaz-Paniagua, C., & Gomez-Mestre, I. (2019). Invasive mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) affect egg-laying and behaviour of Spanish pygmy newts (Triturus pygmaeus). Amphibia-Reptilia, 40(1), 103-112.

  • Dalia A. Conde, Johanna Staerk, Fernando Colchero, Rita da Silva, Jonas Schöley, H. Maria Baden, Lionel Jouvet, John E. Fa, Hassan Syed, Eelke Jongejans, Shai Meiri, Jean-Michel Gaillard, Scott Chamberlain, Jonathan Wilcken, Owen R. Jones, Johan P. Dahlgren, Ulrich K. Steiner, Lucie M. Bland, , Jean-Dominique Lebreton, Jaime González Vargas, Nate Flesness, Vladimir Canudas-Romo, Roberto Salguero-Gómez, Onnie Byers, Thomas Bjørneboe Berg, Alexander Scheuerlein, Sébastien Devillard, Dmitry S. Schigel, Oliver A. Ryder, Hugh P. Possingham, Annette Baudisch, and James W. Vaupel. 2019. Data gaps and opportunities for comparative and conservation biology. , (19), 9658-9664.


  • Hernandez-Caballero I., L. Garcia-Longoria, I. Gomez-Mestre, A. Marzal. 2022. The adaptive host anipulation hypothesis: parasites modify the behaviour, morphology and physiology of amphibians. Diversity 14(9), 739.

  • Castaño-Sanz V., I. Gomez-Mestre and F. García-González. 2022. Evolutionary consequences of pesticide exposure include transgenerational plasticity and potential terminal investment transgenerational effects. Evolution 76(11):2649-2668. doi: 10.1111/evo.14613.​


  • Burraco P., M. Iglesias-Carrasco, C. Cabido and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2018. Eucalypt leaf litter impairs growth and development of amphibian larvae, inhibits their antipredator responses and alters their physiology. Conservation Physiology 6: coy066.

  • Piñero-Rodríguez M.J., R. Fernández-Zamudio, I. Gomez-Mestre and C. Díaz-Paniagua. 2018. Ranunculus peltatusdevelops an emergent morphotype in response to shading by the invasive Azolla filiculoides. Aquatic Botany 152: 32-35.

  • Liedtke HC, J. Gómez-Garrido, A. Esteve-Codina, M. Gut, T. Alioto and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2018. De novo assembly and annotation of the larval transcriptome of two spadefoot toads widely divergent in developmental rate. bioRxiv. doi:

  • Cabrera-Guzman E., C. Diaz-Paniagua and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2018. Invasive mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) affect egg-laying and behaviour of Spanish Pygmy newts (Triturus pygmaeus). Amphibia-Reptilia 40: 103-112.

  • Liedtke H.C., D. Gower, M. Wilkinson and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2018. Macroevolutionary shift in the size of amphibian genomes and the role of life history and climate. Nature Ecology and Evolution 2:1792–1799.

  • Behind the paper: Genomes great and small

  • News & Views: Jumping genomic gigantism, by R. Lockridge Mueller & E.L. Jockush.

  • Arribas R., J.C. Touchon and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2018. Predation and competition differentially affect the interactions and trophic niches of a Neotropical amphibian guild. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 6: 28. (link)




  • Kulkarni S., R. Denver, I. Gomez-Mestre* and D.R. Buchholz*. 2017. Genetic accommodation via modified endocrine signalling explains phenotypic divergence among spadefoot toad species. Nature Communications 8, article 993. (PDF).

  • Liedtke HC (2017). Digest: room for geckos of all shapes and sizes. Evolution. DOI: 10.1111/evo.13401. (link).

  • Liedtke HC, Müller H, Hafner J, Penner P, Gower DJ, Mazuch T, Rödel M-O, Loader SP (2017). Terrestrial reproduction as an adaptation to steep terrain in African toads. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284(1851): 20162598. (PDF).

  • Burraco P., C. Díaz-Paniagua, and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2017. Different effects of accelerated development and enhanced growth on oxidative stress and telomere shortening in amphibian larvae. Scientific Reports 7: 7494. (PDF)

  • Burraco P., A.E. Valdés, F. Johansson, and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2017. Physiological mechanisms of adaptive developmental plasticity in Rana temporaria island populations. BMC Evolutionary Biology 17: 164. (PDF)

  • Edelaar P., R. Jovani, and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2017. Should I change or should I go? Phenotypic plasticity and matching habitat choice in the adaptation to environmental heterogeneity. American Naturalist 190:506-520. (PDF)

  • Burraco P., F. Miranda, A. Bertó, L.A. Vazquez and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2017. Validated flow cytometry allows rapid quantitative assessment of immune responses in amphibians. Amphibia-Reptilia 38:232-237.

  • Cabrera-Guzman E., C. Diaz-Paniagua and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2017. Competitive and predatory interactions between invasive mosquitofish and native newts. Biological Invasions. 19: 1449-1460. (PDF)

  • Polo-Cavia N. and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2017. Pigmentation plasticity enhances crypsis in larval newts: associated metabolic cost and background choice behavior. Scientific Reports 7: 39739. (PDF)

  • Burraco P. and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2017. Physiological stress responses in amphibian larvae to multiple stressors reveal marked anthropogenic effects even below lethal levels. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 89: 462-472. (PDF). 



  • Beck J, Liedtke HC , Widler S, Altermatt  F, Loader SP, Hagmann R, Lang S, Fiedler K (2016). Patterns or mechanisms? Bergmann's and Rapoport's rule in moths along an elevational gradient. Community Ecology 17(2): 137-148. (PDF).

  • Liedtke HC, Müller H,  Rödel M-O, Menegon M, Gonwouo NL, Barej MF, Gvoždík V, Schmitz A, Channing A, Nagel P, Loader SP (2016). No Ecological Opportunity Signal on a Continental Scale? Diversification and Life-History Evolution of African True Toads (Anura: Bufonidae). Evolution 70(8): 1717-1733. (PDF).

  • Poynton JC, Loader SP, Conradi W, Rödel M-O, Liedtke HC (2016). Designation and description of a neotype of Sclerophrys maculata (Hallowell, 1854), and reinstatement of S. pusilla (Mertens, 1937)(Amphibia: Anura: Bufonidae). Zootaxa 4098: 73-94 (PDF)

  • Johansson F., A. Richter-Boix and I. Gomez-Mestre . 2016. Morphological consequences of developmental plasticity in Rana temporaria are not accommodated into among-population or among-species variation. Evolutionary Biology 40: 494-503.  (PDF)

  • Sánchez-Montes G., E. Recuero, J. Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, I. Gomez-Mestre and I. Martínez-Solano. 2016.  Species assignment in the Pelophylax ridibundus x P. perezi hybridogenetic complex based on 16 newly characterized microsatellite markers. Herpetological Journal. 26: 99-108. (PDF)

  • Polo-Cavia N., P. Burraco and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2016. Low levels of chemical anthropogenic pollution may threaten amphibians by impairing predator recognition. Aquatic Toxicology 172: 30-35. (PDF)



  • Barej MF, Pfalzgraff T, Hirschfeld M, Liedtke HC, Gonwouo NL, Penner J, Dahmen M, Doherty-Bone T, Schmitz A, Rödel M-O (2015). The tadpoles of eight West and Central African Leptopelis species (Amphibia: Anura: Arthroleptidae). Amphibian and Reptile Conservation 9(2): 56-84. (PDF).

  • Arribas R., C. Diaz-Paniagua, S. Caut, I. Gomez-Mestre. 2015. Stable isotopes reveal trophic partitioning and trophic plasticity of a larval amphibian guild. PLoS One 10: e0130897. (PDF)


  • Burraco P., R. Arribas, S. Kulkarni, D. Buchholz, I. Gomez-Mestre. 2015. Comparing techniques for measuring corticosterone in tadpoles. Current Zoology 61: 835-845. (PDF)




  • Arribas R., C. Diaz-Paniagua, and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2014. Ecological consequences of amphibian larvae and their native and alien predators on the community structure of temporary ponds. Freshwater Biology 59:1996-2008. (PDF)


  • Zeng C., I. Gomez-Mestre and J.J. Wiens. 2014. Evolution of rapid development in spadefoot toads is unrelated to arid environments. PLoS One 9(5): e96637. (PDF)


  • Diaz-Paniagua C., C. Keller, M. Florencio, A.C. Andreu, A. Portheault, C. Gomez-Rodriguez, I. Gomez-Mestre. 2014. Rainfall stochasticity controls the distribution of invasive crayfish and its impact on amphibian guilds in Mediterranean temporary waters. Hydrobiologia 728: 89-101. (PDF)


  • Wu C.-S., W.-K. Yang, T.-H. Lee, I. Gomez-Mestre & Y.-C. Kam. 2014 Salinity acclimation enhances salinity tolerance in tadpoles living in brackish water through increased Na+, K+-ATPase expression. Journal of Experimental Zoology: Ecological Genetics & Physiology 321A: 57-64. (PDF).



  • Gomez-Mestre I., S. Kulkarni, D.R. Buchholz. 2013. Mechanisms and consequences of developmental acceleration in tadpoles responding to pond drying. PLoS One 8: e84266. (PDF).


  • Polo-Cavia N. and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2013. Learned recognition of introduced predators determines survival of tadpole prey. Functional Ecology 28: 432-439. (PDF).


  • Gomez-Mestre I. and R. Jovani. 2013. A heuristic model on the role of plasticity in evolution: plasticity increases adaptation, population viability, and genetic variation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 280: 20131869. (PDF) (ESM)(Model).


  • Burraco P., L. Jimenez, and I. Gomez-Mestre. 2013. Predator-induced physiological responses in tadpoles challenged with herbicide pollution. Current Zoology 59: 475-484. (PDF)


  • Camacho-Sanchez M., P. Burraco, I. Gomez-Mestre, and J. Leonard. 2013. Preservation of RNA and DNA from mammal samples under field conditions. Molecular Ecology Resources 13: 663-673. (PDF)


  • Gangoso L., R. Marquez-Ferrando, F. Ramirez, Gomez-Mestre I and Figuerola J. 2013. Understanding phenotypic responses to global change. BioEssays 35: 491-495. (PDF)


  •  Gomez-Mestre I. and Warkentin K.M. 2013. Risk-induced hatching timing shows low heritability and evolves independently of spontaneous hatching in red-eyed treefrogs. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 1079-1089. (PDF).


  • Caut S., Angulo E., Diaz-Paniagua C. and Gomez-Mestre I. 2013. Plastic changes in tadpole trophic ecology revealed by stable isotope analysis. Oecologia 173: 95-105. (PDF)​​​





  • Gomez-Mestre I., Pyron A.R. and Wiens J.J. 2012. Phyogenetic analyses reveal unexpected patterns in the evolution of reproductive modes in frogs. Evolution 66: 3687-3700. (PDF)


  • Wu C.-S., Gomez-Mestre I. and Kam Y.C. 2012. Irreversibility of a bad start: early exposure to osmotic stress limits growth and adaptive developmental plasticity. Oecologia 169:15-22. (PDF)


  • Florencio M., Diaz-Paniagua C., Gomez-Mestre I. and Serrano L. 2012. Sampling macroinvertebrates in a temporary pond: Comparing the suitability of two techniques to detect richness, spatial segregation and diel activity. Hydrobiologia 689: 121-130. (PDF).





  • Edelaar P., Burraco P. and Gomez-Mestre I. 2011. Comparisons between Qst and Fst - how wrong have we been? Molecular Ecology 23:4830-4839. (PDF).


  • Kulkarni S., Gomez-Mestre I., Moskalik C., Storz B. and Buchholz D. 2011. Evolutionary reduction of developmental plasticity in desert spadefoot toads. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 2445-2455. (PDF).


  •  Gomez-Mestre I. and Diaz-Paniagua, C. 2011. Invasive predatory crayfish do not trigger inducible defences in tadpoles. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 278: 3364-3370. (PDF).




  • Tejedo M., Marangoni F., Pertoldi C., Richter-Boix A., Laurila A., Orizaola G., Nicieza A.G., Alvarez D., Gomez-Mestre I. 2010. Contrasting effects of environmental factors during larval stage on morphological plasticity in postmetamorphic frogs. Climate Research 43: 31-39. (PDF).


  • Gomez-Mestre I., Saccoccio V.L., Iijima T., Collins E.M., Rosenthal G.G. and Warkentin K.M. 2010. The shape of things to come: linking developmental plasticity to postmetamorphic morphology in anurans. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 1364-1373. (PDF). 




  • Lundelin K., Vigil L., Bua S., Gomez-Mestre I., Honrubia T. and Varela M. 2009. Differences in complexity of the glycemic profile in survivors and nonsurvivors in an intensive care unit. Critical Care Medicine 38: 849-854. (PDF).


  • Gomez-Mestre I. y Tejedo M. 2009. Variación geográfica y adaptación local al estrés osmótico en el sapo corredor. En: Dopazo H. y Navarro A. (Eds.) Evolución y adaptación: 150 años después del origen de las especies. Sociedad Española de Biología Evolutiva. (PDF).





  • Marangoni F., Tejedo M. and Gomez-Mestre I. 2008. Extreme reduction in body size and reproductive output associated with sandy substrates in two anuran species. Amphibia-Reptilia 29: 541-553. (PDF).


  • Gomez-Mestre I., Touchon J.C., Saccoccio V.L. and Warkentin K.M. 2008. Genetic variation in pathogen-induced early hatching of toad embryos. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21: 791-800. (PDF).

  • Gomez-Mestre I., Wiens J.J. and Warkentin K.M. 2008. Evolution of adaptive plasticity: risk-sensitive hatching in Neotropical leaf-breeding treefrogs (Agalychnis: Hylidae). Ecological Monographs 78: 205-224. (PDF; Supplementary data).



  • Gomez-Mestre I. and Warkentin K.M. 2007. To hatch and hatch not: similar selective trade-offs but different responses to egg predators in two closely related, syntopic treefrogs. Oecologia 153: 197-206. (PDF).



  • Gomez-Mestre I. and Buchholz D.R. 2006. Developmental plasticity mirrors differences among taxa in spadefoot toads linking plasticity and diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 103 (50): 19021-19026. (PDF, Supporting table)


  • Gomez-Mestre I., Touchon J.C. and Warkentin K.M. 2006. Amphibian embryo and parental defenses and a larval predator reduce egg mortality from water mold. Ecology 87 (10): 2570-2581. (PDF, Supplementary data)


  • Touchon J.C., Gomez-Mestre I. and Warkentin K.M. 2006. Hatching plasticity in two temperate anurans: responses to a pathogen and predation cues. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 84: 556-563. (PDF)





  • Warkentin K.M., Gomez-Mestre I. and McDaniel J.G. 2005. Effects of development, surface exposure, and embryo behavior on oxygen levels in eggs of the red-eyed treefrog, Agalychnis callidryas. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 78(6): 956-966. (PDF)


  • Varela M., Calvo M., Chana M., Gomez-Mestre I., Asensio R. and Galdos P. 2005. Clinical implications of temperature curve complexity in critically ill patients. Critical Care Medicine 33(12): 2764-2771. (PDF)


  • Gomez-Mestre I. and Tejedo, M. 2005. Adaptation or exaptation? An experimental test of hypotheses on the origin of salinity tolerance in Bufo calamita. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 18(4): 847-855. (PDF)



  • Gomez-Mestre I. and Tejedo, M. 2004. Contrasting patterns of quantitative and neutral genetic variation in locally adapted populations of the natterjack toad, Bufo calamita. Evolution 58(10): 2343-2352. (PDF)


  • Gomez-Mestre I., Tejedo M., Ramayo E. and Estepa J. 2004. Developmental alterations and osmoregulatory physiology of a larval anuran under osmotic stress. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 77(2): 267-274. (PDF)




  • Gomez-Mestre I. and Tejedo, M. 2003. Local adaptation of an anuran amphibian to osmotically stressful environments. Evolution 57:1889-1899. (PDF)


  • Gomez-Mestre I. and Keller, C. 2003. Experimental assessment of turtle predation on larval anurans. Copeia (2):349-356. (PDF)

  • Gomez-Mestre I. and Tejedo, M. 2002. Geographic variation in asymmetric competition: A case study with two larval anuran species. Ecology 83: 2102-2111. (PDF)


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Eco - Evo - Devo


Estación Biológica de Doñana, 

Sevilla (Seville), Spain. 

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